No title

 Sure! Here are the image prompts for each line of your script:

1. **7 days shorts challenge, 30 days shorts challenge Nowadays many creators are doing shorts challenge And why they are not doing it?**

   - A collage of different YouTubers with "7 days shorts challenge" and "30 days shorts challenge" text overlays.

2. **Because shorts challenge is a trending topic**

   - An image of a YouTube trending page with “Shorts Challenge” highlighted.

3. **But if I tell you that 90% of these videos are fake Unbelievable right?**

   - A shocked emoji or person with "90% of these videos are fake" text overlay.

4. **It is not so easy to believe that 90% of videos are fake But this is true**

   - A magnifying glass over a YouTube video with "Fake" stamped on it.

5. **Today many creators are misusing this shorts challenge trend**

   - An image showing a YouTube video labeled "Fake" with a sad face emoji.

6. **Among these fake creators, this creator is doing the biggest scam Because if you watch his videos, almost all his videos are on shorts challenge**

   - A suspicious-looking YouTuber with a "Scam Alert" text overlay.

7. **These are the creators who crush the dreams of new creators**

   - An image of a broken lightbulb with "Crushed Dreams" text.

8. **You have to watch this video completely, like and comment on it So that you can reach this video And all his subscribers can know about his reality**

   - A call-to-action image with "Like, Comment, Subscribe" text.

9. **I will show you proof from his videos If you watch his videos again, then you will realize That all these fake creators are doing this scam on a large scale**

   - A YouTube video screen with "Proof" stamped on it.

10. **First, I will show you proof from this channel If you open the second video of this channel You will see a screenshot on the duration of 1 minute 30 seconds**

    - A YouTube player interface highlighting the timestamp 1:30.

11. **Wait a minute, what do you see? Two dots? There are no such dots on YouTube**

    - A close-up of the YouTube player with two suspicious dots highlighted.

12. **Brother made a mistake here The second proof is that the screenshot he showed He used bold font And as you can see in the real screenshot There is no such bold font in YouTube**

    - A comparison image showing a fake screenshot with bold text and a real YouTube screenshot without bold text.

13. **Like this, he has used fake screenshot editing in many of his videos**

    - An image of a person editing screenshots with "Fake Editing" text overlay.

14. **So now when the other creators exposed him You can see that the new video he created He did a real challenge in it**

    - An image of a YouTuber being exposed with "Exposed" stamped.

15. **If you watch that challenge video He said that in 7 days He will challenge to complete 1000 subscribers But he couldn't even complete 200 subscribers**

    - A YouTube subscriber counter struggling to reach 200 out of 1000.

16. **Earlier, where he used to get millions of views and millions of subscribers Now he is not even getting 200 subscribers in 7 days**

    - A graph showing a steep decline in subscribers and views.

17. **I think this will be enough to tell you That some of these short challenge videos are fake Because of these fake creators, many new creators' dreams broke**

    - A shattered dream image with "Fake Creators" text overlay.

18. **There were some new creators who were inspired by these fake creators And they also started creating fake content**

    - An image of a sad new creator with "Inspired by Fake" text.

19. **If you think I'm kidding Then look at this creator, ActualGrow First, this guy created 2-3 normal videos Then suddenly he started creating challenge videos**

    - An image of a YouTuber with "ActualGrow" text and transition from normal to challenge videos.

20. **And you can also see his views Because suddenly he started getting a lot of views**

    - A graph showing a sudden spike in video views.

21. **But when other creators started exposing fake creators like this Then you can easily see the decline in their viewership**

    - A graph showing a decline in views after being exposed.

22. **I'll show you the proof now I'm not saying that they make fake content I'll show you the proof from their latest video**

    - An image of a YouTube player with "Proof" text overlay.

23. **At the start of this video, he said that he grew a channel The screenshot I showed you earlier I opened that channel There are no such subscribers**

    - A YouTube screenshot showing a channel with low or no subscribers.

24. **Then at 2 minutes and 58 seconds He said that he just bought a channel called Rio Gaming And now he will do a short challenge on that channel**

    - A YouTube player interface highlighting the timestamp 2:58 with "Rio Gaming" text.

25. **First, he said that he did a short challenge on this channel Then at 2 minutes and 58 seconds He said that he did a short challenge on the Rio Gaming channel Now I don't understand this Or he doesn't even know what he wants to say**

    - A confused emoji or person with "Inconsistent Claims" text overlay.

26. **If you want to see a fake screenshot Then click on 4 minutes and 50 seconds There you will see a screenshot You can see that the date, title and likes are not in the same line**

    - A YouTube player interface highlighting the timestamp 4:50 with a fake screenshot.

27. **If you see a real screenshot Then these three are in the same line But here these three are not in the same line Which means this is not a real screenshot Because this does not happen on YouTube**

    - A comparison image of a fake screenshot and a real YouTube screenshot.

28. **You can see a similar fake screenshot at 5 minutes and 8 seconds There too, he showed a fake screenshot**

    - A YouTube player interface highlighting the timestamp 5:08 with another fake screenshot.

29. **Do you know what he says at the end? That he got three copyright strikes on his channel And his channel was deleted**

    - An image of a YouTube channel with "3 Copyright Strikes" and "Channel Deleted" text.

30. **This is what such fake creators do First they show you a fake channel Then they show you screenshots of fake videos And then at the end they reveal the name of a channel Which does not exist on YouTube**

    - A sequence of images: fake channel, fake screenshots, and a nonexistent channel.

31. **If such channels do not exist on YouTube Then real creators give excuses They say that they have deleted their channel**

    - An image of an excuse note with "Channel Deleted" text overlay.

32. **What excuses are they giving? Strikes are coming If we talk about whether such challenges should be watched**

    - A question mark emoji or person with "Excuses" text overlay.

33. **You can learn a lot from this type of video But not from this type of fake challenges**

    - An image with "Learn from Real Challenges, Not Fake Ones" text.

34. **If you want to know how movie shots are made with the help of AI Then you can watch this video I will meet you in the next video**

    - A closing image with "Watch Next Video" text and an AI-generated movie shot in the background.

These prompts should help you create engaging and illustrative images for your video.

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